TTR ERM 2203C 1200 R20 A01 04 67 01 00 6.5 19000 100C 197.5 Ident number 1144130-09 Line count 1200 Grating period 197.5 µmAccuracy of the graduation ± 6.5'' Nominal increment of coded reference marks, reference marks nominal increment = 100 grating periods Geometry of drum Outside Ø 75.44 mm, inside Ø 40 mm, hole circle Ø 50 mm Degree of protection IP67 (EN60529) Operating temperature -10/+60 °C Maximum rotational speed 19000 min-1 Back to hit list Product Information Operating Instructions Brochure Operating Instructions Mounting instructions TTR ERM 2203C 1200 R20 A01 04 67 01 00t 6.5 19000 100C 197.5 MA, Mounting Instructions German CAD Request ×